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Monday, February 24, 2014

Plans going forward

Hey guys! I am sorry that I have not updated the blog in a while. The frequency of my posts will  probably fluctuate. My deepest regrets. My next post will most likely be about a radio show I have heard about. Apparently, the people on it have freaky powers of prediction. So I will do my research on it. As always, I will try to keep you up to date on all things geeky and nerdy alike. If you have any suggestions for posts or things to look into and research for future posts, put them in the comments below. Remember, I will tell you my favorite Doctor when I get 50 followers. See ya and allons-y.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

We've Gone International!

Guten Tag guys, that is hi in German. This is going to be a relatively short and boring entry. But it is also pretty exiting. This blog has gone international! I was looking at the page views just now and we have a viewer in Germany! I don't know who it is as I can only get registered countries. But it is pretty exiting. At least I think. I will keep up the blogs for everyone that wants to read. Whenever we get another viewer from another country I will learn hello in their language and put it at the start of the blog. More geeky stuff next time. See ya and allons-y.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Doctor Who on Top Gear

Hey guys, first things first, here is the link if you want to see David Tennant on Top Gear. But I also found Matt Smith's , Christopher Eccleston's , and Billie Piper's skip the first 15 seconds of Billie Piper, it does not matter and takes away from the show here is the link for her's . So enjoy blowing the next 30-40 or so minutes if you want. Skip the first 15 seconds of Billie Piper, it does not matter and takes away from the show. If you did not watch them yet, watch them if you want to get through the post without spoilers. In short, even though Eccleston had an automatic with the cool intro to it, he scored less than the guy that can not control third
gear to save his life. The youngest Doctor did the best by far. In the long run the companion beat the Doctor.  Sorry that this wasn't the longest post. See ya and allons-y.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Doctors in other places

Hello guys, I want to thank my small group of followers and subscribers to my page. I could not have even got this far without you. I am going to make this post about the Doctors from Doctor Who's other jobs in other shows and movies. I don't know them all so please don't get mad if I don't get them all. So the first Doctor to show up acting as someone else or just way out of time scale was Tom Baker, the fourth doctor. If you have bot seen the 50th anniversary then spoiler alert. He played the museum curator which might have been himself in the 50th anniversary episode Day of the Doctor. Doctor #5 got to many more roles to count or put in a blog post. Sylvester McCoy had an interesting film life after Doctor Who but his most well known is that he played Gandalf in The Hobbit. Eccleston aka #9 got multiple film jobs after his single season. I will not even start on # 10 Tennant all I currently know is that he appeared on Top Gear Where he proved not to trust him with third gear (look it up) and played Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter. In Harry Potter he died in the chapter Parting of the Ways, In Doctor Who ,Eccleston died and became Tennant in the episode The Parting of the ways. Hmm maybe a coincidence, but I like formulating conspiracy theories sometimes, as most geeks do. Peter Capaldi had an extensive film life before the show including a W.H.O. doctor in World War Z and a Pompeian father in The Fires of Pompeii. If you want to know my favorite Doctor leave a comment below, if not put a comment below, if you don't care leave it alone. I may post it if I have enough people to say yes. I also might release it if I reach 50 followers. I will post a link to the third gear video next post. See ya and allons-y.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Dr. Who

I, and as I am sure most whovians are, upset about having to wait until fall for season 8 of the series. Almost a year without new Doctor Who episodes. That is enough time to watch the whole new series plus some. But, on the upside, those of you that are behind on the series or are just being introduced will have plenty of time to catch up before Peter  Capaldi goes to Pompeii. That surprises me. I mean, that means he will cross time streams with Tennant. But it makes sense because he played a Pompeian father in The Fires of Pompeii and gets rescued by Tennant. So he might be revisiting some of his previous lives and adventures. So, mind sufficiently blown. See ya and allons-y.

Hello(boring intro)

Hello blogersphere I made this site to keep my family, friends, and others up to date on all things geeky as my family does not understand much about being a geek and people just need to hear about the world from the eyes of your average geek. So I will try to keep up this blog to bring you the news from a source with an opinion. I will keep it as exiting as I can from this post on. I may also post geeky pictures and video links. I am sorry that this picture is out of context but I need something geeky on this post. See ya and allons-y.