There are also many concerns behind AR as well, but I feel they lack ground. People are concerned that this will put many people out of work, having their service or product become purely digital. It will, but without AR, this shift away from the necessity of those jobs will happen anyway. In every paradigm shift, people lose their lives work. Between cave men and early civilization, people had to abandon hunting and gathering, and learn to farm. They then had to learn to build. The list goes on and on. Every time society changes, people have to adapt. Some more than others. This world is changing either way, it may as well be for the better. Some are concerned that this will cause too great a reliance on electricity, and make power plants a main target for terrorists, making it easy to take out a country. Yes and no. This, again would happen anyway if we let the shift go as is. However, incorporating AR will allow the best minds to come together to create new, hyper-efficient renewable energy sources. It will also allow us to all become closer together, a little bit of kindness and realization of ones own humanity will make it easier to avoid people becoming violent extremists, and could even prevent wars. People are also concerned that it will end the age of good, hard work. That age is already over. I value hard work in all forms, physical and mental, and feel that AR will make it easier for us select few, who, in addition to efficiency and enjoyment, crave a challenge, to keep that ideal alive.
We could advance all areas of science.Medicines to extend life, cold fusion in a jar, and hyperspacial travel are all very real possibilities that can now become a reality in our lifetimes, if only the right people could come together. Finally, not enjoying your first date? Hit end AR call and you are gone. See ya and allons-y.

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