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Sunday, November 30, 2014
Oh my international!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Happy Halloween!
Hey guys. It's the night before Halloween and all around the world people are celebrating in the best of ways. Kids, don't eat too much candy or you'll wake up in the morning with a headache and not even remember the previous night. Am I right? Anyways, here is a link to some Jack-o-Lanterns that will put yours, your future selves'. and your descendant's pumpkins too shame . In related news, I am carving my first non-predesigned pumpkin I realized but did not get it done in time for tomorrow. It is in honor of the blog, the YouTube Chanel and, you guessed it, you guys. I think it is pretty darn awesome for a first try so far. You guys will be the first to see it. I am thinking of maybe doing a vlog in addition to this. On it I'll be talking and doing random things. I will be taking suggestions in the comments of my first vlog to be entitled "Vlog Kickoff" on my channel to be filmed tomorrow night after my classes and homework. I hope that you will subscribe. I will attempt most anything that you guys tell me too in the comments on the videos. Check it out. OK I'm sorry about ruining your pumpkin for you so here are some cool costumes you could pull off for next year and there are some real geek ones there Here to ruin you decor however is BuzzFeed Here is a few pranks you could do See ya and Allons-y.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
3 new countries!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Ice Bucket Challenge!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Doctor Who and Pokemon

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Monday, July 21, 2014
My Apologies
Hey guys. I am so sorry about the several month gap. I know our viewer(s) in Germany were checking up for a while and that some Americans have checked it out recently too. Please keep checking in. I have been traveling most of the time and busy with research for the rest of it. Anyways... the blood moon was pretty cool. I enjoyed it very much. I am particularly happy with an excursion I had in New Mexico. That's right, I went to the grid point that is Chaco canyon. I will write more about it later. Season 7 of Doctor Who is now on Netflix for those of you who didn't know. Also, I hear rumors that there is some new Doctor Who comic thing coming out. Pokemon Hoenn reigon remakes have been confirmed with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. See ya and allons-y.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Blood Moon Tonight
Hey guys. The blood moon eclipse is tonight. I will try to do a post about it. See ya and allons-y.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Blood Moon
Hey guys, I have something very exciting for you. There will be a total lunar eclipse that will turn the job p moon blood red on April 15, I will tell you how it links to the new grid in good time. I don't have time to tell you how it works or links now. However, here is a link that covers the how and when. . If I am right, there will be several more over the next year and a half, the last one directly over Jerusalem. Out of time now guys. Keep looking at the blog and remember the new country and 100 follower agreements. See ya and allons-y.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
International Update
Merhaba guys! Yes, you are right I checked it out and we have a viewer in Turkey. We also have 6 pageviews in Germany. I am assuming it is the same person. Keep up with the blog guys! It is accessible anywhere. Remember, whenever we get a page view in a new country, I will personally memorize hello in the country's main language and replace the "hey" in my greeting with it in the next post. Also, when we reach 100 followers, I will tell you my favorite incarnation of The Doctor! See ya and allons-y.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
A New Grid
Hey guys, I am sorry but I don't know if you are viewing from other places now as I can not see that on my device. Anyway, the radio show is pretty good as far as content goes so check it out and if you like it, then I told you about it. It is called coast to coast, you can find the shows on YouTube. So, anyways, I was talking with one of my geek friends the other day. For security reasons we will address him by his codename, Wapa(wah-pa). Back to the story. Wapa and I were talking about quantum physics and how soon we could get it.(I will be sure to explain that in a letter post.) He was sure of his ground. "I am sure that we will have control of quantum by 2015." Is about what he said. I asked why he was so sure of this. His response was all about conciseness grids. He first gave me a brief background on the subject. Wapa explained that there are 3 main grids surrounding the earth. The aboriginal grid is very in tune with nature and is really only used by the few aboriginal tribes here on earth. The second grid I will just refer to add the western grid. It is the grid that most people operate on and is so out of sync with nature that people operating on it are OK with destroying nature. The third grid is not operational yet. The grids are based on the golden mean. The closer to this proportion they are the closer the things operating on it are to nature. As you can probably imply, the aboriginal grid is pretty close to the golden mean while the western grid is as far off as you can probably imagine. Too be continued in a later post. See ya and allons-y.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Plans going forward
Hey guys! I am sorry that I have not updated the blog in a while. The frequency of my posts will probably fluctuate. My deepest regrets. My next post will most likely be about a radio show I have heard about. Apparently, the people on it have freaky powers of prediction. So I will do my research on it. As always, I will try to keep you up to date on all things geeky and nerdy alike. If you have any suggestions for posts or things to look into and research for future posts, put them in the comments below. Remember, I will tell you my favorite Doctor when I get 50 followers. See ya and allons-y.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
We've Gone International!

Thursday, February 13, 2014
Doctor Who on Top Gear
gear to save his life. The youngest Doctor did the best by far. In the long run the companion beat the Doctor. Sorry that this wasn't the longest post. See ya and allons-y.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Doctors in other places
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Dr. Who
I, and as I am sure most whovians are, upset about having to wait until fall for season 8 of the series. Almost a year without new Doctor Who episodes. That is enough time to watch the whole new series plus some. But, on the upside, those of you that are behind on the series or are just being introduced will have plenty of time to catch up before Peter Capaldi goes to Pompeii. That surprises me. I mean, that means he will cross time streams with Tennant. But it makes sense because he played a Pompeian father in The Fires of Pompeii and gets rescued by Tennant. So he might be revisiting some of his previous lives and adventures. So, mind sufficiently blown. See ya and allons-y.